The Health & Longevity Clinic
Traditional Oriental Medicine
Dr. Jim Dixon, D.O.M., L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. & C.H.
Ancient Medicine for the Modern Era
Acupuncture, Diagnosis and Consultation
Instruction in Qi Gong, Meditation and Martial Arts
Extensive Chinese Herbal Pharmacy
Contact-free Pick-up and Delivery Service
Over 30 years of patient care.
My Practice
"Treating a disease after it has become manifest,
is like waiting until you are thirsty to begin digging a well."
"The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine" - circa 2700 BC
Traditional Oriental Medicine is arguably the oldest continuously practiced medicine on earth. With over three thousand recorded years of experience, research and development, it is uniquely suited to address most human ailments - from the most timeless, to the most modern.
The primary diagnostic, and therapeutic, instrument in Oriental Medicine is the physician. Through the endless refinement of the skills of observation, detailed questioning, sensitive touch and listening, as well as a host of other diagnostic techniques - the physician gains the ability, the insight and the sensitivity to put it all together in a meaningful way. The Taoist physician calls this ideal "Tong Shen Ming" or "divine penetrating illumination" - i.e. the ability to "deeply see and to really know." Or rather, to correctly diagnose the illness, the cause, and the patient's ability to overcome it - as well as to be able to see clearly the treatment plan, and modalities, that may be able to overcome it.
This of course, is only the beginning...
As a clinician, I love my work. The 50 plus years of study, alongside more than 30 years of intense clinical practice, has created a marvelous world. My patients have taught me more than I can ever begin to articulate. In this deeply profound medicine I am endlessly humbled, continually learning and continually evolving. The clinic, my practice and my teaching also continue to evolve into new dimensions as well, many of which utterly astonish me. The more I learn, the more I am in awe at the wonder of being born a human being.
My specialty is Health and Longevity - or 'Yang Sheng,' as this branch of medicine is known in Chinese. I have access to an incredible toolkit of therapies and tools for health. I employ ancient and modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, traditional and cutting-edge knowledge - as well as my vast herbal pharmacy of the highest quality Chinese herbal preparations. Hundreds of formulas, individual herbs, lifestyle tools, and books provide the support that my patients have come to depend on. Now, for simple questions, we also have the virtual world - through telemedicine, phone consultation and virtual teaching.
In addition, for absolute epidemiological safety, we offer a contact-free, transmission-free, pick-up system for our patients to receive their custom prescribed herbal formulas, books and supplies.
Drs. Jim Dixon and Kathy Christianson in their original Taos clinic.